comic looking image of Desktop
Some solutions don't work perfect on websites where performance has the highest priority or more professional applications with offline functionality are requried.
For further examples of my desktop application solutions, please scroll down!


yanSAFE screenshot


Language: TypeScript

Frameworks: Node.js, Electron

Categories: Desktop, Frontend, Backend

The old cryptocurrency based on qt is way to outdated and complicated. So I created a new PAC Protocol wallet for easy use and efficiency. With the core functionality of auto-masternode deployment.

Denge Software screenshot

Denge Software

Language: TypeScript

Frameworks: Node.js, Electron, Vue.js

Categories: Desktop, Frontend

This software was developed for a turkish customer. The solution uses a hardware scanner to manage the pharmacy's supplies.

PyxelEdit 3D Viewer

Language: GML

Made with: Game Maker: Studio

Category: Desktop

With the 3D Viewer PyxelEdit 2D sprites display from pyxel edit on fake 3D. The viewer only updates the files if the Pyxel Edit files are saved (Ctrl+S). There are many settings like set to pixelated, fix edges (while you're scaling up), pin windows (so the they stays always in the foreground), etc.